AmPark Foundation

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AmPark Foundation

‘Transforming Sri Lanka in to an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation.’

The most pressing challenge of the modern age is Climate Change and its resultant dire impacts on societies around the world.

Climate Change also presents huge opportunities to pioneer the transition to new, exciting and profitable climate-resilient industries that combat its impacts and improve lives.

We believe that Sri Lanka has more than enough natural and social resources to drive and sustain a climate-resilient 22nd Century society with prosperity, food security and social justice for all.

Who we are

AmPark Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization.  We’re a Limited by Guarantee Company based in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.  

Our mission is to transform Sri Lanka in to an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation through innovation, social engagement and education, from grass roots upwards.

What we do

We innovate, create, implement and enable grass roots environmental, social and economic projects that address the pressing issue of Climate Change and the impacts this will have on Sri Lanka. 

Read more about our Projects here [AmPark Foundation Projects]

How we do it

Our projects empower and enable the most vulnerable communities in our society with the resources, tools and support to be sustainable, climate resilient and self-sufficient.

We work in partnership with the private sector (businesses), public sector (local/regional authorities, ministries, government) and the third sector (non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, trusts, cooperatives, etc.) and local communities to deliver our projects. 

We’re working toward international standards of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG).  Read more here [Governance page]

Whilst every nation will face its own unique set of challenges as a result of global climate change, Sri Lanka faces many localized threats which include (but are not limited to) increase in rainfall intensity, flooding, prolonged drought, severe heat impacts, decrease of marine food resources, sea level rise, loss of coastal infrastructure and cities, salination & loss of arable land. 

These challenges seem insurmountable but we at AmPark Foundation share Winston Churchill’s famous sentiment:

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

We believe that multi-faceted, synergistic solutions are needed to address these diverse Climate & Social challenges. These dynamic solutions should not only mitigate Climate Change Impacts, but simultaneously propel the growth of diverse, Grassroots Level Industries to propel the entire nation towards low cost, climate resilience whilst achieving grassroots level Livelihood Development and Food Security.

“Every Obstacle is just a Springboard towards Multiple Solutions.”

AmPark Foundation is a Non-Profit, Limited by Guarantee Company registered in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. We believe in working toward the highest international standards of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG).  We operate with transparency, strong governance and have clear reporting that we share with our partners, employees and stakeholders.  We have a clear code of ethical and professional conduct to which all employees and affiliates of the AmPark Foundation are expected to adhere. We strive to be the benchmark for ESG in Sri Lanka.

Read more about our Governance here [Governance page]

Objectives of the AmPark Foundation


  • To engage with vulnerable communities and empower them to achieve economic self-sustainability.
  • To address child/adult malnutrition within vulnerable communities
  • To enable communities to increase productivity and facilitate access to markets.
  • To introduce new technologies and methodologies to enhance livelihood development in rural communities.
  • To expand access to quality education and analytical thinking skills for all students in Sri Lanka.
  • To upskill adults in rural communities in optimal, synergistic utilization of available resources.
  • To implement solutions that address problems facing women and other vulnerable demographics.
  • Support small community service organizations to scale their environmental, social and economic impact mitigation solutions nationally.
  • To undertake strategic consultancy and conduct think tanks on pressing issues.


  • To promote climate resilient agricultural practices within under-developed communities.
  • Implement & Develop Climate Change Impact Mitigation measures.
  • Educate, Promote & Implant ‘Green industries’ to enhance climate resilience within the MSME sector.
  • Conduct R&D to develop and test innovative solutions to mitigate Climate Change Impacts.
  • Develop, Showcase and Disseminate pragmatic Climate Resilient Community Models
  • Encourage and promote Participatory Development of the Nation.