AmPark Foundation

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No. 10/1, C.V. Goonerathna Mw, Attidiya Rd, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka

Environmental, Social & Governance

How we work:

Partnership across the private sector, public sector (local / regional authorities, ministries, government) and the third sector (non-profit organisations, non-Government organisations, trusts, charities, etc.) is critical to AmPark Foundation achieving our mission to transform Sri Lanka in to an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation.

How we work with all our stakeholders – communities, employees and partners – is equally important.  It’s the reason AmPark Foundation is working toward international standards of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) from inception.

We operate transparently and to clear key performance indicators for each project that aligns to local, regional and national environmental, social and economic impact objectives, as well as our Foundation’s mission and Code of Conduct. 

Our Board meets quarterly, and these dates are made public in advance of each meeting.  Our Chairman welcomes suggested agenda items from any stakeholder ahead of these meetings. 

Following Board meetings, we’re able to report to our stakeholders the progress we’ve made, challenges we’ve faced, our environmental social and economic impacts and funding status.  

We produce Annual Reports & Accounts which are a matter of public record, in line with our standing as a company limited by Guarantee.


Transforming Sri Lanka into an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation is at the core of all our projects.

Whilst every nation will face its own unique set of challenges on Climate Change, Sri Lanka faces many localized threats which include (but are not limited to)

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Climate Change will impact the people, culture and livelihoods of some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka.  Mitigating these impacts also creates exciting new opportunities to pioneer sustainable solutions.

Social and community connectivity are central to our projects. 

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Aligned to international standards, we have an open and transparent governance model for AmPark Foundation.

We have clear key performance indicators for each project that aligns to local, regional and national environmental, social and economic impact objectives, as well as our Foundation’s mission.

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AmPark Foundation has ‘Transforming Sri Lanka into an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation’, at the core of all its projects. 

Whilst every nation will face its own unique set of challenges as a result of global climate change, Sri Lanka faces many localized threats which include (but are not limited to) increase in rainfall intensity, flooding, prolonged drought, severe heat impacts, decrease of marine resources, sea level rise, salination and loss of arable land.  This will impact our people, our culture, our economy and the livelihoods of some of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in our nation.  Our projects aim to systematically address these issues on the ground by empowering and enabling the most vulnerable communities in our society with the resources, tools and support to be sustainable, climate resilient and self-sufficient.


Aligned to international standards, we have an open and transparent governance model for our Foundation. 

Our Board of Directors is made up of three Executive Directors and seven non-Executive Directors (NEDs, including the Chariman of the Board). 

The Executive Director members are responsible for the day-to-day running of AmPark Foundation.  They devise the Foundation’s strategy, project delivery and on the ground implementation of our various funded projects. 

Our Chairman and Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) are experienced professionals in their respective fields of philanthropy, international finance, environment, implementation and sustainability.  They bring their expertise to AmPark Foundation’s Board and support the Directors in the Foundation’s strategic aims where it is applicable and/or appropriate for them to do so. Our NEDs are entrusted to undertake various operational functions and are remunerated in line with the scope of these responsibilities. Through quarterly Board meetings, they oversee AmPark Foundation’s funding, accounting and reporting on the environmental, social and economic impacts of its various projects. 

Our Board

Executive Directors

Asanka Dorian Wittachy

Executive Director – Innovation, Strategy & Planning

Asanka is an innovator and co-founder of the AmPark Foundation, as well as a founding Director of AmPark Consulting (Pvt) Ltd..  He studied in the Hoegeschol of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and he specializes in Innovation, Strategy and Project planning.  He brings knowledge and experience from the Commercial, Environmental and Sustainability sectors, underpinned by a deep commitment to creating an environmentally sustainable, climate resilient and prosperous nation for all Sri Lankans. 

Dhammika Gajaweera

Executive Director – Implementation & Regulatory Coordination

Dhammika is Coordinator and Committee Member of the Sri Lanka Red Cross, and he heads several social service initiatives in vulnerable regions in Sri Lanka.  He studied at St. Thomas College, Matara, followed by higher studies in Printing & Advertising.  His passion for improving society has seen him grow deep expertise in Agriculture, Social Reform and Community Development.  His ability to creatively solve complex problems and run programs effectively makes him one of the most effective implementation specialists in Sri Lanka.

Gamini Perera

Executive Director – Implementation & Partner Coordination

A former national cricket player and professional club cricket captain, Gamini is an Innovator, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and successful initiator of dozens of social initiatives across Sri Lanka.  A graduate of St. Peter’s College, Sri Lanka, his professional sporting success and passion for improving society means he rises to challenges and excels at creating collaborative synergies between partners and projects to achieve ‘impossible’ goals to drive positive social and environmental outcomes.  His overriding passion is to ensure a peaceful, healthy and prosperous future for all Sri Lankan children. 

Non-Executive Directors

Chandana Senevirathna

Chairman of the Board & Non-Executive Director

Chandana is a Co-Founder of the AmPark Foundation and a founding Director of AmPark Consulting (Pvt) Ltd..  He studied Geography at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and has coordinated and implemented projects for the Ministry of Fisheries, Department of Coast Conservation & Coastal Resource Management and managed social development projects for the Sri Lanka Red Cross.

Mr. Diyanath Rohan Jayasinghe

Non-Executive Director

Mr. Diyanath Rohan Jayasinghe is the Senior Vice President of Operations at the Commonwealth Union and former Chairman of Cey Nor Foundation and Grand Oriental Hotel. Rohan has been active in supporting various development projects throughout the country by leveraging his extensive experience and international network of contacts. He provides a wealth of knowledge and experience in guiding the activities of the foundation to fruition.

S (Raju) Vivekanantharajah

Non-Executive Director

Raju is the Chairman of SEEDA, a non-profit community service organization active in the east coast of Sri Lanka. He has an MBA Degree from the University of Gloucestershire, UK and is an Assistant Director of Education, a community leader, an educator, a focal person for organizations such as IUCN-CIDA, UNICEF, KOICA in the east coast of Sri Lanka. Raju’s contribution towards improving the health and education earned him the prestigious KEERTHI SRI AWARD as well as the MAHATMA GANDHI PEACE AWARD in 2019, and SAARC Youth Award for Humanitarian Activity in 2009 for his outstanding social work.  He supports the Board on all aspects of activities and projects. 

Kingsley Perera

Non-Executive Director

Kingsley is a Co-Founder of the Kamkaru Sevana Foundation. He studied Sociology at various universities in Asia, Europe and the USA, and has pioneered non-profit community service in Sri Lanka since the 1970s. Having dedicated his life to social work, Kingsley is widely respected as a driving force behind diverse social intervention projects in Sri Lanka in the last 50 years. His passion is to uplift Sri Lankan society through Community Education, Culture & Sustainable Development with positive action and projects. He supports the Board on all aspects of activities and projects.

Sachinthana Wijesinghe

Non-Executive Director

Sachinthana is an exceptional educator, innovator, inventor, debate, athletics & chess coach as well as an attitude & leadership trainer.  He studied Physics at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, and now conducts education workshops in schools and youth camps in under-developed areas.  He is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of RAONE (Rise as One Nation Ensemble organization) and the founder of FEFA (Free Education For All).  Sachinthana is dedicated to ensuring that high quality, free education is accessible to every child in Sri Lanka.  He supports the Board on Community Development and Education efforts. 

Strategic Consultants

Our Strategic Consultants provide AmPark Foundation with expertise in certain areas to help us achieve our mission.

Ms. Badra Kamaladasa


Ms Badra Kamaladasa- obtained B Sc(Eng) degree in 1978 from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and M. Sc (Engineering Sciences), from University of Melbourne, Australia in1994. She is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. She retired in January 2015 from government service as Director General of Irrigation, after continuous service of 36 years in Water resources sector . She has experience on planning, designs, construction, operation, rehabilitation and management of water resources projects and specialized in dam Safety. Currently working as freelance consultant on governance, legal matters, environmental impact assessment, climate change impact and gender issues on Water resources management. She is the Chairperson of Water Forum of Institution of Engineers and Technical Committee member of global Alliance for Water Stewardship. She continues as a resource person on evaluating technical papers of the International Commission of Large Dams and International Commision of Irrigation and Drainage. She is a Board member of the Industrial sector Engineering Faculty of SLIIT. She was an adviser and consultant to the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, from 2015-2019 period on many policy formulation initiatives. Has published more than 30 technical papers on Irrigation and Water Resources Management, Dam safety, Legal provisions in the Irrigation sector, Water Management, Operation and management of Irrigation systems, Environmental Impacts, small reservoirs, Ancient Irrigation Technology, and many other subjects.

Mr. Denzil Perera


Denzil Perera: obtained his MBA (Merit) from PIM, B.Sc. -Marketing (Hons) from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from CIM (UK) and became a Chartered Marketer in 2009. He is a Brand and Business Strategist/Consultant. Denzil has served in the fields of Marketing, Branding and Sales at Sri Lanka Insurance, Union Assurance, Hemas Consumer Brands, Marina Foods, ACL Cables and Heyleys group during his career of 20 years which he started as a Brand Executive and reached the level of General Manager. He has also been a brand coach at SLIM and a visiting lecturer for MBAs in both public and private universities. Currently he serves as the Chairman of Lanka Salusala, a Board Member of SANASA General Insurance, an External Board Member of the Management Faculty of the University of Uwa-Wellassa and also as a Director of the National Design Center. He also is involved in developing brands for Ceylon tea with Empire teas. He has been a social activist and a patriotic Sri Lankan who was a key pillar of Re design Sri Lanka project

Chathura Radampola Wijesinghe


Chathura has been very active in Community Support, Emergency Relief and Education projects in Sri Lanka since 1994.  Successful projects he has initiated includes tree-planting, emergency food and medical relief. He is presently the Chairman of Pubudumu Lanka Foundation which delivers a wide range of targeted relief projects within the most vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka.  His supports the Board on National Coordination.

Communication Worx is a UK based communications consultancy specialized in Corporate Communications and Communication Strategy.  The Company advises AmPark Foundation on international and investor ESG practices, strategic partnership development and communications.